Our Products
Paramount Appliances is designer, manufacturer and supplier of following water
treatment system for domestic, commercial and industrial application.
1. Iron RemovalWater Filter.
2. Ultra Violet water disinfections system.
3. Water softener.
4. Reverse Osmosis (R.O.)
IRON REMOVAL WATER FILTER removes iron from water, which causes yellow colour of water, gives stain to sanitary fittings, cloths, marbles and also causes of yellow rice, indigestion, bad taste, corrosion in water distribution structure and promotes Iron bacteria. The system is on line and starting from 50 Lt./Hour.
WATER SOFTENERS gives you soft water, where water is hard, Hard water causes of scaling when water is heated, adverse effect on skin, hair, cooking etc. Increase the consumption of soap and detergent, clogging water distribution line. The softener is one line system, required common salt for regeneration and starting from 100 Lt/Hour.
REVERSE OSMOSIS gives you micro biologically and chemically safe water for drinking and sophisticated application. The system is on line, electrical and starting from 8-10 Lt/hour. IRON REMOVALWATER FILTER ULTRA VIOLET WATER DISINFECTIONS SYSTEM, WATER SOFTENERS REVERSE OSMOSIS (R.O.) It removes even dissolve solids from water including salinity. Now this is one of the best possible way to get pure water.

micro-organism like bacteria, viruses etc.
The system run by Electric Power, on line and starting from 2 Lt/minute.